Required Books
English 338: Victorian Fiction
Prof. Grossman
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist (Penguin) ISBN 0140430172
Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton (Oxford) ISBN 0192817507
George Eliot, Adam Bede (Penguin) ISBN 0140431217
Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone (Oxford) ISBN 0192815792
Thomas Hardy, Tess of D'Urbervilles (Penguin) ISBN 0140431357
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (Penguin) ISBN 014043187X
- Michel Foucault, excerpts from The History of Sexuality and
Discipline and Punish
- M.M. Bakhtin,excerpt from "Discourse in the Novel"
- D.A. Miller, "From roman
policier to roman-police: Wilkie Collins's The
- Edward Said, "Introduction" to Orientalism
- Frances Power Cobbe, "Criminals, Idiots,Women, and Minors" (1868)
- Oscar Wilde, 1895 newspaper trial reports, excerpted from The
Oscar Wilde File
We will use the editions of the novels that are listed above. Several of
the introductions will be assigned specifically. You should read
each novel's endnotes and other editorial matter (appendices,
notes on the text).