Ursula Heise honored by BBVA Foundation for global influence in environmental humanities
Sean Brenner I UCLA

Ursula Heise, a distinguished professor of English and UCLA’s Marcia H. Howard Professor of Literary Studies, has earned an international honor for her leading role in advancing the field of environmental humanities.
Heise received the Biophilia Award, which is presented annually by the BBVA Foundation and carries a prize of 100,000 euros.
The award’s selection committee lauded Heise for, over the past two decades, having “explored the varied shapes that environmental thought, narrative and activism take in different regions of the world.”
In a statement, the foundation noted that the results of Heise’s scholarship have been global in their influence. And her work delves into an incredibly broad array of mediums — journalism, nonfiction, film and fiction to graphic novels, video games and web content — and disciplines.
Read the full story.
Photo credit: Scott Gruber/UCLA