Fall 2024
Graduate Proseminar
English 200 / Prof. Cohen
Mondays, 3 – 5:50 pm
Victorian Fiction & Novel Theory
Victorian Literature
English 252 / Prof. Grossman
Tuesdays, 9 – 11:50 am
This course meets the post-1800 breadth requirement.
Literatures & Medicines of the Atlantic World
American Literature to 1900
English 254 / Prof. Silva
Mondays, 12 – 2:50 pm
This course meets the pre-1800 breadth requirement.
New Directions in Asian American Literature and Asian Americanist Critique
Topics in Asian American Literature
English M260A / Prof. S.K. Lee
Tuesdays, 3 – 5:50 pm
This course may meet the post-1800 breadth requirement OR the genre/theory/methods breadth requirement. Students may apply the course to only one of the above breadth requirements, and final seminar paper must cover territory within that breadth area.
Biopower and Posthumanity
Studies in Chicana/o Literature
English M261 / Prof. Perez-Torres
Wednesdays, 3:00pm – 5:50pm
This course may meet the post-1800 breadth requirement OR the genre/theory/methods breadth requirement. Students may apply the course to only one of the above breadth requirements, and final seminar paper must cover territory within that breadth area.
Winter 2025
Narrative Across Media
Narrative Theory
English 202 / Prof. Heise
This course aims to introduce graduate and advanced undergraduate students to basic concepts, theories, and methods in research on narrative across the media of fiction, nonfiction, fictional film, documentary film, videogames, graphic novels, and digital forms of narrative on and off social media. Each week, we will explore a basic dimension of narrative (for example, narrators, major and minor characters, or narrative endings) and narrative in a particular medium (for example, fiction, graphic novel, or videogames).
The class will explore storytelling situations, plot structure, character construction, fictionality and nonfictionality, cultural story templates, modes of reading/viewing narrative, image-text relations, cross-media translation, audiences, and fan communities. We’ll also survey different approaches to these issues, from sociological, feminist, and critical-race approaches to theories that emphasize empirical study, quantitative tools, and digital media. The course materials will emphasize environmental forms of storytelling in particular as a focus and point of departure for analysis; students will be encouraged to explore and apply the theoretical and methodological tools to their own areas of interest and research in narrative across different languages, genres, periods, and media.
The class is designed as a combination of short introductory lectures on crucial concepts, paradigms, and traditions with extensive seminar discussions.
This course may meet the post-1800 breadth requirement OR the genre/theory/methods breadth requirement. Students may apply the course to only one of the above breadth requirements, and final seminar paper must cover territory within that breadth area.
Speculative Games and Media Poetics
Digital Theories and Methods
English 203 / Prof. Snelson
This course meet the post-1800 breadth requirement OR the genre/theory/methods breadth requirement. Students may apply the course to only one of the above breadth requirements, and final seminar paper must cover territory within that breadth area.
Keyword by Keyword: Dictionaries and the Making of Knowledge
Language and Literature
English 242 / Prof. Thomas
This course will help you investigate the ways in which dictionaries writ large are not merely repositories of knowledge but shape the world in which they circulated. We will explore a cluster of medieval and early modern words as defined in various dictionaries and used in contemporary texts. As our cluster will have to be really small, our focus will be on words that were once significant for their complexity not only in specific disciplines of law, politics and theology but also in literary works by writers such as Geoffrey Chaucer, William Langland, Margery Kempe, John Milton, William Shakespeare, and Margaret Cavendish. The literary critic and novelist Raymond Williams called such words keywords, defining them as terms that invoke complex and contradictory meanings –meanings that are both particular and relational for different speakers and writers, and in and through the past and present.[1] Such keywords as we will consider include “nature,” “culture,” “virtue,” “truth,” “kind,” “gender,” “animal,” “human,” “conscience,” “commons,” “yeoman,” “proud,” “good,” “gentil,” “estate” and “race.” As and when possible, we will also consider corresponding keywords in Latin and vernacular languages including German, Italian, French and even Russian. We will attend to the extent to which different dictionary entries capture and convey the meanings of a keyword. At the same time, we will track the multiple usages of the same keyword and the meanings it generates within and across texts in different disciplines. As we examine keywords as defined by dictionaries and as used by writers, we will explore among other things how the problems of each keyword’s meanings are inextricably bound up with the issues that the same word is used to discuss.[2]
Although our main focus will be on medieval and early modern dictionaries, we will also have occasion to explore modern dictionaries that record the afterlife of the keywords we will study. Along the way, we will learn about different historical principles of lexicography and the extent to which dictionaries are both descriptive and prescriptive.
The dictionaries we will consider include Huguccio of Pisa’s Derivationes (12th century), Giovanni Balbi’s Catholicon (13th century), the Promptorium Parvulorum (15th century), Thomas Elyot’s Dictionarie (16th century) as well as Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language (18th century) and A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (the 19th and 20th century progenitor of the OED).
Questions for discussion include the following. How comprehensively do dictionary entries on a keyword convey the complexity of its usages found in texts from multiple disciplines? Where do two or more contemporary dictionaries differ in their definitions of the same keyword and how do their different definitions impact the keyword’s relationship to the world within and beyond a particular discipline? What meanings of a keyword does a dictionary entry foreground, relegate to the background or simply exclude? What implications for knowledge-making can we draw from such lexicographical acts of inclusion, relegation, and exclusion? What kinds of thinking about a keyword do different dictionaries defining the same keyword promote or suppress?
Our speakers will include archivists, lexicographers, contributors to lexicons and medievalists. Here are some potential speakers: the OED archivist Beverley McCulloch, the lexicographers Colin Howlett (editor of the Oxford Russian Dictionary) and Carolinne White (assistant editor of the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources), the medievalists Eric Weiscott (Boston College) and Gabriela Kompatcher-Gufler (Univ. of Innsbruck) as well as UCLA’s own Debora Shugar, H.A. Kelly, and Chris Chism (all of whom have worked on multilingual dictionaries).
[1] Raymond Williams, Keywords: a Vocabulary of Culture and Society (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), 23; I have adapted Williams’ words.
[2] Williams, Keywords, 15.
This course may meet the pre-1800 breadth requirement OR the genre/theory/methods breadth requirement. Students may apply the course to only one of the above breadth requirements, and final seminar paper must cover territory within that breadth area.
The Long Form
Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
English 250 / Prof. Kareem
This course meets the pre-1800 breadth requirement.
Diving Deep: Postcolonial and Indigenous Perspectives on the Oceanic Imaginary
Postcolonial Literatures
English 265 / Prof. DeLoughrey
This course meets the post-1800 breadth requirement.
Spring 2025
Prospectus Workshop
English 220 / Prof. Hornby
Tuesdays, 12 – 2:50 PM
Please note this workshop can be taken for an S/U grade only and cannot count toward the coursework requirement for the Ph.D.
Weird Romance: Courting Indeterminacy in the Middle Ages
Old and Medieval English Literature
English 244 / Prof. Chism
Tuesdays, 9 – 11:50 AM
Texts may include: The Quest of the Holy Grail, Hoccleve’s The Series, the Middle English Beves of Hampton, Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde, the Romance of Moraien, the Roman de Silence, and Malory’s Morte D’Arthur. Secondary texts may include Jacque Lacan’s Seminar VII, Susan Crane, Edouard Glissant, Helen Cooper, Edward Said, Diane Taylor, and Marcel Elias.
This course meets the pre-1800 breadth requirement.
“Archive and Theory”: New Directions in Early Modern Disability Studies
Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
English 250 / Prof. Deutsch
Tuesdays, 3 – 5:50 PM
This course will be taught in conversation with Prof. Rachel Lee’s English M260A, “Moldy Minority Narratives: Abolition Medicine and Disability Justice,” as part of our participation in a five-campus research group. Our common goal is to build graduate student community in disability studies at UCLA and beyond.
This course may meet the pre-1800 breadth requirement OR the genre/theory/methods breadth requirement. Students may apply the course to only one of the above breadth requirements, and final seminar paper must cover territory within that breadth area.
Aestheticism and Decadence
Victorian Literature
English 252 / Prof. Bristow
Wednesdays, 12 – 2:50 PM
This course may meet the post-1800 breadth requirement OR the genre/theory/methods breadth requirement. Students may apply the course to only one of the above breadth requirements, and final seminar paper must cover territory within that breadth area.
Moldy Minority Narratives: Critical Approaches to Abolition Medicine and Disability Justice
Topics in Asian American Literature
English M260A/ Prof. R. Lee
Thursdays, 9 – 11:50 AM
This course may meet the post-1800 breadth requirement OR the genre/theory/methods breadth requirement. Students may apply the course to only one of the above breadth requirements, and final seminar paper must cover territory within that breadth area.
Publishing an Academic Literary Article
English 490 / Prof. Looby
Please note this workshop is taken for an S/U grade only and cannot count toward the coursework requirement for the Ph.D.