Snelson, Daniel
Kaplan 203
Tel: 310.825.4173 / Fax: 310.267.4339 / E-mail /
A.B. Princeton University, 2007
Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania, 2015
Research Interests
20th & 21st Century: Poetry & Poetics; Media & Technology; Art & Cinema; Bibliographic Studies; Digital Humanities; Editorial Theory
RADIOS (Make Now Press, 2016)
EXE TXT (Gauss PDF, 2015)
Epic Lyric Poem (Troll Thread, 2015)
Inventory Arousal (Architectural Association/Bedford Press, 2011)
Selected Articles
- EXE TXT: Textwarez and Deformance. Code and Concept: Literature and the Digital, ed. Hannes Bajohr. (German and English.) Berlin: Frohmann Verlag. 2016.
- Alternatively, We Might Query. Covertext: Is the artist necessary for making art today?, ed. Swantje Lichtenstein and Tom Lingnau. Cologne: Covertext. Print. 2015.
- Live Vinyl MP3: Mutant Sounds, PennSound, UbuWeb, SpokenWeb. Amodern 4, ed. Scott Pound and Darren Wershler. Montréal: Concordia University. 2014.
- Teleconference. A Research Service audio essay commissioned by the New Museum Research and Development Season on Voice, August 6, 2014.
- Incredible Machines: Following People Like Us Into the Database. Avant Magazine, June 4, 2014
- Archival Penumbra. In Focus: Lost & Found, ed. Kyle Schlesinger. American Book Review, Volume 34, Number 3, March/April, 2013.
- Heath, Prelude to Tracing the Actor as Network. Freeware Guide to Electronic Literature, ed. Brian Kim Stefans, 2011.
Additional Information
Danny Snelson’s research and teaching blend a study of poetry and poetics with work on digital and network cultures, material text studies, and media theory. He is developing a book project tentatively titled “The Little Database: A Poetics of Media Formats,” arguing for materially-invested readings of works of print, sound, and cinema from within new media contexts. Considering questions of scale, his study probes big data analysis on one hand, while operating in homage to the little magazine on the other. With a particular interest in the modes of media-specificity exercised by the historical avant-gardes, his research develops interdisciplinary tactics for addressing contemporary media practices. His online editorial work can be found on UbuWeb, PennSound, Eclipse, and Jacket2. With Mashinka Firunts and Avi Alpert, he works as one-third of the academic performance group Research Service.
At UCLA, he has developed new versions of courses for “Introduction to Electronic Literature” (ELIT 2017) and “Contemporary American Poetry” (SPOT 2018). He is currently at work on a new transdisciplinary platform entitled “Media & Experiment in Text & Art” (META) to be initiated in fall of 2018.
Interest Areas
• Visual Culture / Media Studies / Digital Humanities
• Modern & Contemporary Poetry
• American Literature & Culture
• Critical Theory
• Creative Writing