Dickey, Stephen J.
Kaplan 284
Tel: 310.825.2943/ Fax: 310.267.4339/ E-mail
B.A. Bowdoin College, 1977; Ph.D. Harvard University, 1984.
A senior lecturer in the UCLA English Department, Stephen Dickey has received numerous teaching prizes, including the Distinguished Teaching Award in 1993. He teaches various courses in Shakespeare, the English Renaissance, and the Beat Generation, as well as introductory courses in poetry and drama. From 2002-16, Dickey served on the faculty of the Folger Teaching Shakespeare Institute, an NEH-supported program for high school teachers from across the country, held biennially at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. Recent publications include works on Romeo and Juliet, the Henry IV plays, American interest in Shakespeare during the Civil War, and the katabasis motif in Beat literature. In 2016-17, he curated America’s Shakespeare: The Bard Goes West at the Los Angeles Central Library.
Interest Areas
• Renaissance & Early Modern Studies