
Hyde, Carrie

Associate Professor

Tel: 310.825.4173 / Fax: 310.267.4339 / E-mail


B.A. Bard College, 2004

Ph.D. English, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 2011


Early U.S. literature, political philosophy and theory, the aesthetics of disaffiliation, literature of slavery and abolition, citizenship, law and literature, historical method.

Carrie Hyde is Associate Professor of English. Her work examines the dynamic connections between U.S. literature, law, and politics in the long nineteenth century. Her book, Civic Longing: The Speculative Origins of U.S. Citizenship, was published by Harvard University Press in 2018. Civic Longing recovers the literary and cultural prehistory of citizenship in the period before the Fourteenth Amendment (1868). Civic Longing won the 2018 Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities; it also was cited as one of the best books of 2018 (in The Australian Book Review’s “Books of the Year 2018”). She is currently working on two book projects: an interdisciplinary genealogy of the politics of grievance, Injured Personhood: The Aggrieved Constitution of U.S. Rights; and a cultural history of fiction that rethinks its cultural meanings and uses from its denigrated outer limits, Dangerous Fictions: Conspiracy, Rumor, and the Plot of Politics.

Professor Hyde is the MLA Delegate Assembly Representative for LLC 19th-Century American Literature (2024-), Editorial Board member for American Literature (2024-), and Advisory Board Member for Nineteenth-Century Literature (2019-). Her research has been supported by numerous grants, including fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, the McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, the American Antiquarian Society, the US Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, the New England Regional Fellowship Consortium, the First Book Institute at the Center for American Literary Studies at Penn State, NEH, and the Hellman Foundation.


Civic Longing: The Speculative Origins of U.S. Citizenship (Harvard University Press, 2018).


New Citizenship Studies. Special Issue of American Literature, co-edited with Derrick R. Spires (December 2024).

Evidence and the Archive. A forum in J19: Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, co-edited with Joseph Rezek (April 2014), 155-194.


New Citizenship Studies: An Introduction,” co-authored with Derrick R. Spires, American Literature (December 2024).

The Aggrieved Personality of Rights: US Refugees and Rights in the Age of Paine and Burke,” History of the Present (October 2024).

Novelistic Evidence: The Denmark Vesey Conspiracy and Possibilistic History,” American Literary History 27.1 (Spring 2015), 26-55.

Modified reprint: “The Climates of Liberty,” in The Heroic Slave, eds. Robert Levine and John Stauffer (New Haven: Yale UP, 2015), 238-249.

Introduction: The Aesthetics of Archival Evidence,” co-written with Joseph Rezek. J19: Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists (April 2014), 155-162.

The Climates of Liberty: Natural Rights in the Creole Case and ‘The Heroic Slave,’American Literature (September 2013), 475-504.

Outcast Patriotism: The Dilemma of Negative Instruction in ‘The Man Without a Country,’” ELH 77.4 (Winter 2010), 915-939.

Interest Areas
• American Literature & Culture
• History of Political Thought
• African American Literature & Culture / Black Diaspora Studies