South LA Students Sound Out the Crowd at UCLA Salon 02
When: Friday, May 24, 2019 6:00 pm
Where: Decafe Perloff Hall

Join the USC NAI scholars and Foshay teens as they bring their exhibition to Salon 02, an urban humanities symposium and exhibition at UCLA May 24-6, Decafe, Perloff Hall. See LA 1992/LONDON 1780: SOUNDING OUT A CROWD, an exhibition highlighting the album, Never Say Die: A Sonic Tribute to the LA 1992 Rebellion, a compilation of sound projects inspired by studying the representation of two urban uprisings: the Gordon Riots of 1780 in Charles Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge, and the one that occurred more than twenty-five years ago in students’ own neighborhood. To produce the album, students collected sounds to produce a South LA sonic archive for an alternative map of the historical event. View LA 1992/London 1780 on Friday May 24th at the launch party. Then, come see the students at their talk and performance at the symposium on Saturday May 25th.
Read more about the exhibition in this newsletter about its most current installation at UCLA, and in an accompanying story in the Daily Bruin.
SALON 02 is organized and curated by a group of alumni from the UCLA Urban Humanities Initiative. Its aim is to foster continued engagement with urban humanities theory, pedagogies, and community both within and outside the academy. Part symposium, part exhibition, part celebration, SALON 02 showcases the making of urban humanities in Los Angeles, presenting projects blurring the edges of our respective disciplines in the humanities, urban research, and design. A event spanning three days, SALON 02 collectively represents the ongoing work of urban humanists engaged in remaking and reimagining the city.
Join us on Friday May 24th for our launch party celebrating the opening of Salon 02 exhibition. Curated projects on view creatively engage, challenge, or revise the idea of the plan. Presenters will hold a series of gallery talks throughout the evening, concluding with a performance by the Earth Girl Helen Brown Center for Planetary Intelligence Band. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP for the exhibition opening here.
The Saturday May 25th symposium presents our main program: panels of curated conversations about projects that respond to the conference theme. Student artists will also give an extended talk about the exhibition project LA 1992/London 1780: Sounding Out the Crowd. The symposium will conclude with a keynote address by Professor Kian Goh (UCLA, Urban Planning). Lunch and dinner will be provided. Please RSVP for the Saturday symposium here.