GraduateDissertation Research

Graduate – Current – Dissertation Research

‘A Papist Misrepresented’: Anti-popery According to John Gother, 1676-1718
Author: Suzannah Cady
Advisor: Prof. Kareem

‘The Eternal Now’: Suicide Notes in Fact, Fiction, and Species
Author: Kristen Cardon
Advisor: Prof. DeLoughrey

An Unmet Promise: Aerial Perspective in Modernist Literature
Author: Elizabeth Crawford
Advisor: Prof. Hornby

Metagenres of Modernity: Dictatorship Novels and Speculative Fiction in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Author: Abraham Encinas
Advisor: Prof. López

Late-Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Ballads from Canada, India, and the United States: Generic Traditions of Race, Nationalism, and Imperialism
Author: Vanessa Febo
Advisors: Prof. McHugh, Prof. Yarborough

Mobile Figures and Laboring Travel in American Literature
Author: Thomas Garcia
Advisor: Prof. Pérez-Torres

Sex and the British Novel
Author: Miranda Hoegberg
Advisors: Prof. Kareem, Prof. Makdisi

The Anatomy of Risk: Economies of the Body in the Pre-Modern Period
Author: Rafael Jaime
Advisors: Prof. Fisher, Prof. Fuchs

Feeling With/out: Minoritarian Performances of Loss, Loneliness, and Longing
Author: Nicole Prucha
Advisor: Prof. Yarborough

Distasteful Sights: On Disgust and Film Form
Author: Emma Ridder
Advisors: Prof. Hornby, Prof. McHugh

Reading in Books: Theories of Reading in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction
Author: Samantha Sommers
Advisor: Prof. Looby

The Novel and the Transient: Queer Turns in Surrealism
Author: Emma Spies
Advisor: Prof. Hornby

The Extractivist Episteme in American Narrative: Natural Resources, Bodies, and Environmental Injustice
Author: Matthew Swanson
Advisor: Prof. Heise

Disability and Political Economy in Romantic Literature, 1762-1834
Author: Lesley Thulin
Advisor: Prof. Helen Deutsch

Modes of World-Remaking in 17th-Century English Literature
Author: Joseph Torres
Advisor: Prof. Gallagher

More or Less Alive: Labor and Race in Comics’ Vital Aesthetics
Author: Tony Wei Ling
Advisor: Prof. R. Lee

Visibility, Inscrutability, and the Asiatic Body
Author: Brenda Wang
Advisor: Prof. Hornby

Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and the Foundations of British Revolutionary Thought, 1563-Present
Author: Stanley Wu
Advisor: Prof. Shuger