Grossman, Jonathan - CV

Grossman, Jonathan- CV

Jonathan H. Grossman


Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania, 1996
M.A., English, University of Pennsylvania, 1993
B.A., English, Religious Studies, Brown University, 1989



Charles Dickens’s Networks: Public Transport and the Novel. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012. (Oxford USAAmazon USAOxford UKAmazon UK) Paperback, 2013.

The Art of Alibi: English Law Courts and the Novel. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 2002. (Amazon or Hopkins)

Charles Dickens's Networks: Public Transport and the Novel The Art of Alibi: English Law Courts and the Novel

Peer-reviewed articles

“‘The documents are the standards’: Uniform Screw Threads and Standardization in the Age of Industrial Print.” Technology and Culture (forthcoming 2025).

Imogen Binnie’s Unreliable Narrators.Trans Studies Quarterly 11:3 (2024): 435–457. (TSQ)

Passing Cash from Bank Notes to Bitcoin: Standardizing Money.Journal of Cultural Economy 12:4 (2019): 299–316. (open access)

“Standardization (Standardisation).” Critical Inquiry 44 (Spring 2018): 447–478. (Critical Inquiry)

Two Cities Networked: The Historical Novel and Form in French Revolutionary Politics.” NOVEL 50:2 (2017): 176–196. (NOVEL)

“Living the Global Transport Network in Great Expectations.” Victorian Studies 57 (2015): 225–250. (Project Muse)

“The Character of a Global Transport Infrastructure: Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days.” History and Technology 29 (2013): 247–261. (EBSCO)

“Alibis.” Raritan 24 (Summer, 2004): 133–150. (LION)

“The Labor of the Leisured in Emma: Class, Manners, and Austen.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 54 (1999): 143–164. (JSTOR)

“Representing Pickwick: The Novel and the Law Courts.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 52 (1997): 171–197. (JSTOR)

“The Mythic Svengali: Anti-Aestheticism in Trilby.” Studies in the Novel 28 (1996): 525–542. (LION)

“The Absent Jew in Dickens: Narrators in Oliver TwistOur Mutual Friend, and A Christmas Carol.” Dickens Studies Annual 24 (1996): 37–57. (pdf)

Journalism, short essays

“Dickens on the Move,” BBC History Magazine (February 2012): 34–9. Reprinted BBC Knowledge Magazine (May/June 2012): 40–4.

“Five Myths about Dickens,” Washington Post (7 February 2012); reprinted widely.

“Transport.” In Dickens in Context edited by Sally Ledger and Holly Furneaux, 334–342. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2011. (Amazon)

“Edward Bulwer Lytton.” Oxford Encyclopedia of English Literature Vol. 1 edited by David Scott Kastan and Nancy Armstrong, 308–12. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

“Anne Elliot Bound Up in Northanger Abbey: The History of the Joint Publication of Jane Austen’s First and Last Complete Novels.” Persuasions 27 (2005): 195–207.

Digital Humanities Projects

with Ellen Truxaw Bistline. Digitizing Yellowback Cover Art. A searchable collection of over 2000 covers images from nineteenth-century novels typically sold at railway book stalls. Launched 2015. See:

with Ellen Truxaw & Allison Hegel, “Cruikshank’s Eye: A Nineteenth-Century Artist in the Twinkle of a Digital Archive” (in progress):


“Normung und Normierung.” In ARCH+  233 (2018): 20–25. German translation of introduction and first section of “Standardization (Standardisation).”

“Trial, Alibi, and the Novel as Witness.” In Mary Barton: A Norton Critical Edition edited by Thomas Recchio, 604–15. New York: Norton, 2008. From chapter five of The Art of Alibi. (Amazon)

“Manners in Emma.” In Approaches to Teaching Austen’s Emma edited by Marcia Folsom, 78–87. New York: Modern Language Association, 2004. Revised reprint of “The Labor of the Leisured.” (Amazon)

“In the Courtroom of Bulwer’s Newgate Novels: Narrative Perspective and Crime Fiction.” In The Subverting Vision of Bulwer Lytton: Bicentenary Reflections edited by Allan Christensen, 68–77. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2004. Revised reprint of chapter six of The Art of Alibi. (Amazon)

Book reviews

 The Material Interests of the Victorian Novel by Daniel Hack (Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 2005) in Novel 39 (Fall 2005): 135–37

Victorian Soundscapes by John Picker (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003) in Modern Philology 102 (November 2004): 285–89.

British Fiction and the Production of Social Order, 1740-1830 by Miranda J. Burgess (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000) in Nineteenth-Century Literature 56 (December 2001): 427–9.

The Politics of Family in Dickens by Catherine Waters (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997) in Victorian Studies 42 (Spring 2000): 507–9.


Conferences, talks, seminars, published interviews

“The Documents Are the Standards,” English Department Seminar Series, University of Sydney, March 2025.

“Trans Bleak House,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Study Group, University of Sydney, March 2025.

Journal Publishing Workshop, University of Sydney, March 2025.

Organizer, Dickens Project Graduate Conference, UCLA, February 2025.

“The Documents Are the Standards,” North American Victorian Studies Association, UC–Davis, September 2024.

“The Electoral Imagination, author Kent Puckett,” respondent, 20th Annual West Coast Law and Literature Book Panel, USC Center for Law, History, and Culture, April 2024.

Panel chair/faculty reader, “Disability and the Victorian Present,” Dickens Project Winter Conference, University of Maryland, March 2024.

“Standardization: Introduction & Cranford,” Berkeley Nineteenth-Century and Beyond Working Group, February 2024.

“Interchangeable Type,” Committee on Books and Media, Princeton University (via Zoom), October 2021.

“The Interchangeable Type: Standardizing Parts and Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,” ResVic, University of Pennsylvania (via Zoom), April 2021.

“Click,” Infrastructure, Race, and Literature panel, MLA, Seattle, January 2020.

Moderator and Co-Organizer, “Fictions of Belonging,” MLA, Seattle, January 2020.

Barnaby’s Standard, Dickens Universe, Santa Cruz, July 2019.

Faculty co-organizer, Dickens Universe “Little Dorrit,” UC Santa Cruz, July 2018.

Passing Cash from Banknote to Bitcoin, FORM Research Cluster, University of California–Irvine, June 2018.

“Banknotes,” Northeast Victorian Studies Association (NVSA), University of Pennsylvania, April 2018 (keynote).

“Standardized Money,” Infrastructure panel, MLA, New York, January 2018.

“Publishing Trends and New Directions in Victorian Studies,” MLA, New York, January 2018.

“Standardizing Money,” Global Nineteenth-Century Workshop, UC Riverside, September 2017.

Faculty co-organizer, Dickens Universe “Middlemarch,” UC Santa Cruz, August 2017.

“Guillotined,” Form and Reform Conference, UC Santa Cruz, July 2017.

“Standardization (standardisation),” CUNY, New York, March 2017.

Invited participant, “Rethinking Standardization Workshop,” Modernist Studies Association 18, Pasadena, California. November 2016.

“Metric Dickens,” ESSE, Galway, Ireland. August 2016.

“Standardization (standardisation),” MLA, Austin, TX, January 2016.

“Crowd-Sourcing the Graphic Covers of Victorian Crowd-Pleasers,” tag-a-thon, UCLA Young Library, October 2015.

“Standardization (standardisation),” pre-circulated essay, Berkeley English 19thc and Beyond Working Group, October 2015.

“Standardization (standardisation),” Victorian Modernities conference, Kent University, Canterbury, UK, June 2015 (keynote).

Faculty organizer, Dickens Project Graduate Conference, UCLA, February 2014.

“The Networks of Charles Dickens: Public Transport and the Novel,” History Committee (Chair: Martin Wachs), Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2014.

“Dracula!” Panel at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, October 2013.

“‘The sum of a life…’: Charles Dickens at Two Hundred,” curated exhibit, with Dawn Setzer, YRL Library, UCLA, February-May, 2012.

“Dickens on Broadway: Future Dickens, Digital Dickens, Global Dickens—A Panel Discussion” in Dickens Studies Annual 43 (2012): 1–30.

Interview. “A Rail of Two Cities,” Los Angeles Times 8 May 2012.

Radio interviews about Charles Dickens’s Networks, Canadian Broadcast Corporation, 11 February 2012 (eleven interviews, including Toronto and Quebec). Brief local appearances on the Pat Morrison Show, Los Angeles, KPCC, 12 February 2012 & “Arts Alive,” KUSC, 24 May 2012.

“Simultaneity,” Dickens, modernism, modernité, Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la- Salle, Cerisy-la-Salle, France, August 2011.

“At Egypt Bay,” Dickens Universe, Santa Cruz, August 2011; also presented at Columbia University, New York, November 2011.

“Future Dickens,” Dickens on Broadway symposium, New York Institute of Technology, April 2011.

“Pickwick’s Anti-Epistolary Networks,” British Association of Victorian Studies, University of Glasgow, September 2010.

“Meantime (Yours, Pickwick),” plenary, The CUNY Annual Victorian Conference: “Victorian Theory,” May 2010.

Faculty organizer, Dickens Project Graduate Conference, UCLA, February 2010.

Panel speaker with Prof. Richard Menke, “Inventing Novel Networks,” hosted by Hilary Schor, USC, November 2009.

“The Divided Plot of The Old Curiosity Shop,” Dickens Universe, Santa Cruz, August 2009.

“Meantime/Mean time,” Dickens Universe, Santa Cruz, August 2008.

“Systems” (chapter three, book ms), Berkeley English 19thc and Beyond Working Group, April 2008.

“Community in Motion,” Dickens Universe, Santa Cruz, August 2007.

“Now and Meantime: International Connections in Little Dorrit,” Mellon Global 19thc Workshop, UC–Riverside, May 2007.

“Now and Meantime: International Connections in Little Dorrit,” Victorian Studies Seminar, Rice University, November 2006.

Faculty organizer, Dickens Project Graduate Conference, UCLA, February 2006.

“Passengers of History,” MLA, Washington, DC, December 2005.

Conference organizer (with Anne Mellor), “Politicizing Jane Austen,” Clark Library, March 2005.

Invited discussion of The Art of Alibi, Victorian Group, UC–Irvine, January 2005.

“Anne Elliot Bound Up in Northanger Abbey? Or, the Case of Jane Austen and Michael Sadleir,” UCLA Special Collections, JASNA conference, October 2004.

“Passengers of History,” Dickens Universe, Santa Cruz, August 2004.

Conference organizer, “Speed, Technology, and the Invention of Change,” UCLA, March 2004.

“Time and the Circling of the World,” MLA, San Diego, December 2003.

“Eccentricities of the Everyday,” Dickens Panel, MLA, San Diego, December 2003.

“Pickwick & Serialization,” Berkeley English 19thc and Beyond Working Group, November 2003.

“The Speeding of the Pickwick Coach,” NVSA: Technologies and Media in the Nineteenth Century, MIT, Boston, April 2003.

Chair and organizer, Law and Literature panel, Locating the Victorians, South Kensington Science Museum, London, July 2001.

“The Hidden Past of Alibis,” Law and Literature Conference, NYCEA, St. John’s University, April 2001; also delivered at “Cultural Studies: Between Politics and Ethics,” Bath Spa University College, July 2001; and to the Nineteenth-Century Group, Johns Hopkins University, February 2001.

“The Literary Form of Bulwer’s Newgate Novels,” Bulwer-Lytton 2000 Conference, University of London, July 2000.

“The Juridical Form of Early Nineteenth-Century English Novels,” Law, Culture, and the Humanities Conference, Georgetown University Law Center, March 2000.

“A Crisis of Form in Newgate Novels and the Advent of Detective Fiction,” Victorian Institute, Virginia Commonwealth University, October 1999; also delivered at South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, November 1999.

“Introduction: Law and Literature,” (panel organizer and moderator), Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, Duquesne University, April 1999.

“Frankenstein and the Law,” Nineteenth-Century Group, Johns Hopkins University, March 1999.

“Victorian Women and Crime Fiction,” Research on Women Lecture Series, Women’s Studies Department, University of Delaware, Fall 1998.

“Mary Shelley’s Legal Frankenstein,” Eighteenth- and Nineteenth- Century British Women Writers Conference, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, March 1998.

Moderator, “Working Parts,” Body Parts/Partial Bodies Conference, University of Pennsylvania, April 1997.

“Structures for Stories: The Victorian Courthouse and the Form of the Novel in The Pickwick Papers,”Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Tenth Annual Colloquium, University of Santa Cruz, April 1995. Moderator, panel “Monuments: Rewriting Historical Memory.”

“’Mind Your Manners!’: The Labor of the Leisured in Emma,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Ninth Annual Colloquium, William and Mary College, April 1994.

Teaching appointments

Professor, UCLA, 2013–present
Associate Professor (tenured), UCLA (2002–2013)
Assistant Professor, University of Delaware (1997–2002)
Lecturer, College of General Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Spring 1997
Teaching Fellow in English, University of Pennsylvania, 1992–94
Teaching Assistant in English, University of Pennsylvania, 1991–92

Selected grants, awards, honors

UCLA Senate Distinguished Teaching Award, Eby Award for the Art of Teaching, 2013–14

“Alibis” in Raritan selected as a “Notable Essays of 2004” by The Best American Essays, 2005 (Houghton Mifflin, 2005) eds. Orlean and Atwan.

UCLA Senate Grant Project, “Cruikshank’s Eye” (2016–17, 2017–18)

UCLA Senate Grant Project, “Yellowback Cover Art” (2014–15, 2015–16)

Diane Hunter Prize for Outstanding Dissertation in English, University of Pennsylvania (1997)

Mellon Dissertation Fellow, University of Pennsylvania (1995–96)

B.A. Magna Cum Laude (highest distinction awarded), Brown University (1989)

Phi Beta Kappa (1989 )

Rose Writing Fellow, Brown University (1987–89)


Selected University and Professional Service


UCLA English Nineteenth-Century Group, founder (2002) and faculty organizer, 2002–2015, 2016–17, 2018–23.

UCLA English Nineteenth-Century Group, founder and faculty organizer, 2002–2016; 2018–present
Department Executive Committee (2005–06; 2008–09, 2015–16; 2020–21; 2024–2025)
Department Graduate Committee (2008–2011; 2023–present)
Department Personnel Committee (2005–07, 2018–20)
Department Undergraduate Committee (Fall 2020–Winter 2023)
Legislative Assembly Member (alternate 2024; representative 2024–present)
Ad-hoc committee chair, Victorian retention hire, 2022
Speaker, Mellon Mays Writing & Research Training Program, on Editing and Publishing, July 2022
Phi Beta Kappa election committee, April 2022
UCLA Senate Committee on Teaching (2015–2017, 2018–19)
Curator with Dawn Setzer, Dickens Bicentennial Exhibit YRL (2012)
Co-Chair British 18th-19thc Search (2013–14)
Modernism Search committee (2011–12); Americanist Search Committee (2006); Romanticism Search Committee (2002–03)
UC Legislative Assembly & UCLA Senate (2008–09)
English Reading Room Committee (2005–07, 2024–present)
3-year Mellon Americanist search (2009)
Ad-hoc Continuing Appointment (2006, 2013, 2016, 2017)
Graduate student summer mentorship (multiple, many years)
English Department Athenaeum respondent (2005), speaker (2008)
Independent studies advisor (multiple)
Panelist, graduate meetings (multiple)
Department Honors Prize Committee (multiple)


Co-Editor with Saree Makdisi, Nineteenth-Century Literature2011–present. Advisory Board, 2002–2011.

The Dickens Project Faculty, University of Santa Cruz, 2002–present. Executive Committee, 2014–16; Dickens Universe Conference Co-Organizer, 2017 (Middlemarch) & 2018 (Little Dorrit); Graduate seminar co-teacher at Dickens Universe summer conference, 2003 (Old Curiosity Shop); 2005 (Little Dorrit); 2006 (Nicholas Nickleby); 2008 (Mary Barton Hard Times); 2009 (David Copperfield); 2013 (The Moonstone Edwin Drood); 2016 (Dombey and Son); 2022 (Iola Leroy and David Copperfield); 2023 (Tale of Two Cities)

External assessor for promotion for Wellesley College, Boston University, Cambridge University, California Institute of Technology, University of California–Irvine, University of California–Berkeley, University of Illinois at Chicago, and many others.

Book manuscript reader including Virginia, Oxford, Chicago, Ohio State.

Journal  consultant reader including Studies in the NovelNineteenth-Century Studies, Victorian Studies, PMLA, Dickens Studies Annual, Studies in English Literature.

UK Dickens Society Trustee, 2013–15.

MLA GS Prose Fiction Forum, executive committee member, 2016–2021.

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