Dimuro, Joseph A.
Kaplan 238
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Ph.D., English Language and Literature, University of Chicago, 2000
Joseph Dimuro is a continuing lecturer in the UCLA English department, where he teaches and writes about critical theory, the history and theory of the novel, queer studies, and American literature of the long nineteenth century. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and has taught at the University of Pennsylvania and Haverford College. A recipient of a Baird/Smithsonian Libraries Research Fellowship and a Newberry Library/Center for Great Lakes Culture Fellowship, he has edited and written introductions for two Henry Blake Fuller novels (Broadview) and recently published a Gale Study Guide on Henry James and Psychological Realism. His essays and reviews have appeared in the journals J19, Textual Cultures, ALH, and The Review of English Studies. He is completing a book entitled Ferris’s Wheel and the American National Sensorium, 1890-1910. His essay on Willa Cather is part of another book project on the distortions of capitalist value in the making of queer subjectivity in the literary culture of the American 1920s.
Henry James and Psychological Realism (Gale Researcher 2018).
“Canonesis” J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, Volume 4, Spring 2016, pp. 170-174.
Review of Henry James: An Alien’s “History” of America, by Martha Banta, American Literary History Online Reviews, Series XIV (February 22, 2018).
“The ‘Salient Angle’: Revising the Queer Case of Henry Blake Fuller’s Bertram Cope’s Year,”Textual Cultures 2:1 (Spring 2007): 136-154.
Editor, The Cliff Dwellers: A Novel by Henry Blake Fuller ([1893] Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Literary Texts), 2010.
Editor, Bertram Cope’s Year by Henry Blake Fuller ([1919] Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Literary Texts), 2010.
Conference Papers / Invited Talks
“Lay of the Land: Edith Wharton’s Unmapping of New York,” Edith Wharton’s New York, Modern Language Association Convention, New York, January 4, 2018.
“Perverse Economies: Willa Cather’s Case,” Queer Capital: Transgressive Economies of Value in American Fiction (panel chair/organizer), Modern Language Association Convention, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, January 9, 2015.
“Et in Arcadia Ego: Money, Failure, and the Vicissitudes of Cultural Capital in Henry James’s ‘Brooksmith’ and The Spoils of Poynton,” Henry James Society Panel, Modern Language Association Convention, Seattle, Washington, January 2012
Temporal Deferrals and Arrivals (panel chair), C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists Convention, Berkeley, California, April 15, 2012
Orienting Sexuality (moderator), Sigma Tau Delta International Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 1, 2012.
Imperial Fantasy after Reconstruction (panel chair and respondent), C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists Convention, Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, May 22, 2010.
“‘Anything Can Happen’: Reading The Great Gatsby in the Age of Terror,” NEA/West Hollywood Big Read, West Hollywood, California, March 2010. Invited lecture.
“The ‘Salient Angle’: Revising the Queer Case of Bertram Cope’s Year,” Committee on Scholarly Editions panel, Modern Language Association Convention, Washington, DC, December 2005.
“In the ‘Blue Air of Possibility’: Ferris’s Wheel and the Sensation of Americanness, Circa 1893,” Southern California Americanist Group, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, May 2002.
“‘The Feeling of Crude Extensity’: The Sensational Roots of William James’s Racism,” William James and United States Imperialism: New Perspectives (special session organizer and panel member), Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, December 1999.
“Building Pressure: Literary Skyscrapers and the Closing of American Space,” Architecture and American Literature: New Perspectives (special session organized by William A. Gleason), Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, California, December 1998.
“Turning the Nationalist Body: The Ferris Wheel and the Cultural Politics of Dislocation, Circa 1893,” “A New National Environment”: Physical and Cultural Practices of Late Nineteenth-Century American Nationalism (special session chaired by Eric J. Sundquist), American Studies Association Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 1995.
Interest Areas
• American Literature & Culture