Cheung, King-Kok
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King-Kok Cheung Honored with AAAS Lifetime Achievement Award
King-Kok Cheung served as Commencement Faculty Speaker for the 2023 English ceremony. Listen to Cheung’s recorded speech here, and view the full program here.
•Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1984
King-Kok Cheung is Professor of English and Asian American Studies at UCLA. Born and raised in Hong Kong, she received her PhD in English from UC Berkeley. She was the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) Study Center Director in Beijing (2008-2010), UC EAP Study Center Director in Shanghai (2015-2017), Chair Professor of Renmin University of China (2018-20), and Special Advisor of the US-China Education Trust (USCET, 2021-). Her fields of interest include comparative literature (Chinese, Greek, British, and American), Renaissance British Literature, and comparative American ethnic literatures (Asian American, African American, Native American, Chican@). She has received an ACLS fellowship, a Mellon fellowship, a Fulbright lecturing and research award, a resident fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, and the 2012-2013 UCLA Hoshide Teaching Award in Asian American Studies. She co-facilitated the Ford Foundation Ethnic Women Curriculum Transformation Faculty Seminar on American and Related Literatures (1989), spearheaded the UCLA GE Cluster Interracial Dynamics in American Law, History, and Literature (2000), and co-designed the Mellon-funded English 100: Ways of Reading Race (2014-15). She is author of Articulate Silences: Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa (Cornell UP, 1993; Japanese edition, 2015; Chinese edition, 2021) and Chinese American Literature without Borders (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017; Chinese edition, 2021); editor of Words Matter: Conversations with Asian American Writers (U of Hawaii Press, 2000), An Interethnic Companion to Asian American literature (Cambridge, 1996), “Seventeen Syllables” (Rutgers, 1994), Asian American literature: An Annotated Bibliography (MLA, 1988), and former co-editor of The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Her articles have appeared in Amerasia Journal, American Literary History, Biography, Asia-Pacific Translation & Intercultural Studies, Bucknell Review, Cambridge Journal of China Studies, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 39.5 (2017): 9-25. Chinese Literary Journal《华文文学》 , Foreign Literature 《外国文学》, Foreign Literature Studies《外国文学研究》, MELUS, Milton Studies, Journal of Foreign Languages《外语论从》, PMLA, philoSophia, Positions, Shakespeare Quarterly, Toronto Quarterly, and Transnational Literature.
Interest Areas
• Sexuality & Gender Studies
• Asian American Literature & Culture