Colacurcio, Michael J.
Distinguished Professor
Kaplan 299
Tel: 310.825.9612
/ Fax: 310.267.4339
/ E-mail
•B.A., Xavier Univ., 1958
•M.A., Xavier Univ., 1959
•Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois, 1963
American Literary & Intellectual History, beginnings to 1900; Literature & Philosophy; Historical Criticism.
Selected works
A Poise of the Spirit (Religion & Literature, 32(2000), 1-46); Primitive Comfort (ELH, 67(2000), 655-95); Doctrine and Difference (Routledge, 1997); The Province of Piety (Rpt Duke U.P., 1995); Certain Circumstances (in Millicent Bell, ed., New Essays in Hawthorne’s Tales (Cambridge U.P., 1993); The American-Renaissance Renaissance (NEQ, 64(1991), 445-93).
Interest Areas
• American Literature & Culture