SupportFor Transfer Students

UG Support For Transfer Students

Welcome New Bruins!


Congratulations on your acceptance to UCLA!

We look forward to meeting you at your new student orientation date this summer. At your new student orientation, you will have the opportunity to attend a departmental advising session with one of our undergraduate advisors. You will also receive one-on-one peer advising and enroll in your Fall 2024 courses.

Please note that we will not have access to your fully articulated student records prior to your orientation date. For this reason, we politely ask that you save all questions about Dept. of English program requirements & course enrollment until your orientation date.

Support for prospective and admitted transfer students


Admission to UCLA as an English or American Literature and Culture major is handled through the Admissions office. For complete information on how to apply and the criteria for junior transfer admissions, please go to the UCLA Undergraduate Admissions website.

Want to arrive prepared for the English or American Literature and Culture major? Here is our advice:

  • Complete most, if not all, of your major prep work before transferring to UCLA.

To find out which courses at your community college are equivalent to these courses, go to,, and/or contact your transfer advisor. If your community college is not listed or you are transferring from another four-year university, contact an undergraduate counselor to review which courses are acceptable substitutes for our prep.

A note on our foreign language/foreign literature requirement: we do accept AP Credit for foreign language for the major (refer to the UCLA AP Credit chart here). We also accept college-level coursework in foreign language or foreign literature in translation (refer to for courses available at your institution). Finally, we encourage students with native language proficiency or high school foreign language coursework to take a language placement exam once admitted to UCLA for major credit. However, high-school level foreign language coursework utilized for IGETC certification cannot be used to fulfill English major requirements without an additional placement exam.

Made it to UCLA? A few important things for transfer students in our majors to consider:

We encourage transfer students to avail themselves of the many opportunities our department has to offer. We recognize that transfer students are operating on a different timeline than students who entered with first-year class standing, so to help you make the most of your time with UCLA English we want to share a few recommendations.

Departmental Honors Program
Departmental Honors Program applications are due in Winter quarter. Transfer students planning to apply to the program should:

  • Complete at least one upper division English course during Fall quarter
  • Enroll in one course from English 120-128 (our critical theory courses) in Fall or Winter quarter
  • Establish a 3.5 GPA in the major at UCLA and 3.25 GPA overall at UCLA.

Creative Writing Minor
To complete the creative writing minor, students must complete three creative writing workshops, including two workshops in either poetry or prose. Entry to creative writing workshops is application-only, and it may take more than one attempt to gain admittance into your first, second, or third workshop. We recommend that transfer students hoping to minor in creative writing begin applying to workshops early in their UCLA career to allow enough time to complete the concentration.

Major Credit for Transfer Work
If you believe you may have completed courses elsewhere that can be applied to your English or American Literature and Culture major at UCLA, and these courses are not automatically being applied on your degree audit, please contact the Undergraduate Counseling Office for assistance.

For upper-division transfer coursework that may be applicable to the major, please be prepared to provide us with a syllabus so that we can accurately assess how the course might meet UCLA major requirements.