Streeter, Caroline
Kaplan 236
Tel: 310.825.7897 / Fax: 310.267.4339 / E-mail
Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender and Sexuality, University of California Berkeley, 2000. B.A in Feminist Studies, Stanford University, 1984.
African American Literary Studies, Critical Mixed Race Studies, Gender and Sexuality, African American Film and Visual Art, Interdisciplinary Ethnic Studies, Cultural Studies.
Book: Tragic No More: Mixed Race Women and the Nexus of Sex and Celebrity, University of Massachusetts Press, 2012.
Recent Articles
“Obama Jungle Fever: Interracial Desire on the Campaign Trail,” The Iconic Obama, 2007-2009: Essays on Media Representations of the Candidate and New President, ed. Nicholas A. Yanes and Derrais Carter, McFarland Press, 2012.
“Faking the Funk? Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys, and (Hybrid) Black Celebrity,” Black Cultural Traffic: Crossroads in Global Performance and Popular Culture, ed. Harry Justin Elam, Jr. and Kennell Jackson, 2005.
Additional Information
For more information, please go to her departmental home page.
Interest Areas
• African American Literature & Culture / Black Diaspora Studies
• Sexuality & Gender Studies