CoursesCreative Writing Workshops

Winter 2025

Creative Writing Workshops

Admission to all English Creative Writing workshops is by application ONLY. Please read and follow the posted application instructions carefully.


Introduction to Creative Writing

English 20W

Designed to introduce fundamentals of creative writing and writing workshop experience. Emphasis on poetry, fiction, drama, or creative nonfiction depending on wishes of instructor(s) during any given term. Readings from assigned texts, weekly writing assignments (multiple drafts and revisions), and final portfolio required. Satisfies Writing II requirement.

Enrollment by instructor consent and NOT by enrollment pass time: Interested students should apply by 8 pm on November 27, 2024. Applications received after this date will be considered only if additional space should become available and may not receive a full review or response. Enrollment preference for English 20W will be given to first and second-year students. Approved applicants will receive a PTE directly from the instructor.

To apply, please prepare a brief (no more than 250 words) note explaining why you wish to take this course, and what previous experience you have with creative writing courses (if any—none required!).

Applications may be submitted through our approved web form, which you can access HERE when second pass begins. Students applying to English 20W should enroll in an alternate course during their enrollment passes, and should not assume that they will be admitted.

Please note that due to the volume of submissions, only students selected for the class will receive notification. Please do not email the instructors requesting status updates, as this will only delay the selection process. Questions should be directed to the English Undergraduate Advising Offices via MyUCLA MessageCenter.

Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry

English 136B.1 / Prof. Wilson

Course Description:

In this advanced poetry workshop, you’ll write a new poem each week, and can expect many of the same experiences you’d have in any other writing course: discussion of exemplary published work, group work, and peer critique. You’ll also be expected to write a review of a recent single-author book of poems, and submit a collection of your revised poems at the end of the quarter.

How to Apply:

Enrollment is by instructor consent. If admitted, you must attend the first class. To apply for the course, submit by e-mail attachment three to five of your best poems. In the body of the e-mail, provide your name, UID number, major, class level, and a brief note (no more than 250 words) about your experiences with poetry, your favorite literary poets, any other creative writing courses you may have taken (none required!), and any other creative writing courses to which you are applying this quarter. Please submit your application materials by email to BOTH and  The subject line of your message should be your last name, followed by the course number (example: Smith 136B.1).


Acceptance Notifications

Accepted students will be notified by e-mail.

Due to the volume of submissions, the professor is unable to provide feedback or suggestions regarding the students’ submitted work.

Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry

English 136B.2 / Prof. Wilson

Course Description:

In this advanced poetry workshop, you’ll write a new poem each week, and can expect many of the same experiences you’d have in any other writing course: discussion of exemplary published work, group work, and peer critique. You’ll also be expected to write a review of a recent single-author book of poems, and submit a collection of your revised poems at the end of the quarter.

How to Apply:

Enrollment is by instructor consent. If admitted, you must attend the first class. To apply for the course, submit by e-mail attachment three to five of your best poems. In the body of the e-mail, provide your name, UID number, major, class level, and a brief note (no more than 250 words) about your experiences with poetry, your favorite literary poets, any other creative writing courses you may have taken (none required!), and any other creative writing courses to which you are applying this quarter. Please submit your application materials by email to BOTH and  The subject line of your message should be your last name, followed by the course number (example: Smith 136B.2).


Acceptance Notifications

Accepted students will be notified by e-mail.

Due to the volume of submissions, the professor is unable to provide feedback or suggestions regarding the students’ submitted work.

Creative Writing: Advanced Short Story

English 137B.1 / Prof. Wang

Course Description:

The short story form allows you to write directly to the heart of what fascinates you—what you’re passionate about, what makes you think, what aches from you during this very real period in your life. This class is for students who want to read and write short stories right now.

We will be reading a piece of contemporary short fiction each week, focusing on the forms and techniques used by the author. The purpose is to expose you to a variety of authors, styles, tones, and subject matter—new possibilities! Short writing exercises will inspire creativity and encourage experimentation.

You are required to write two original stories and provide thoughtful feedback to your peers.

How to Apply:

Please email me ( AND one PDF attachment of your best short fiction (5-8 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt serif font). In the body of the email, provide your name, major, class standing, and a brief note about yourself. Tell me about your favorite writers, your experience with short stories, and your current creative writing habits. If you’ve taken any other creative writing workshops, either at UCLA or elsewhere, please let me know.

In the subject line of your email, please include your last name and the course and section number in the subject line (example: “Garcia 137B.1”).


Acceptance notifications:

Accepted applicants will be notified before the first class meeting. Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions, the professor will be unable to provide feedback or suggestions on the students’ submitted work.

Creative Writing: Advanced Short Story

English 137B.2 / Prof. D’Aguiar

Course Description:

The compression of short stories challenges fiction forms. We read, write and discuss short stories in a workshop format to distill the various facets of the art and craft. Published exemplars of the form along with original student work comprise the class reading and discussion.

The course website requires students to post weekly remarks for each of the original stories set for class discussion. A portion of class time examines examples of published work. Students write three stories and revise them based on the class commentary. Students submit a final portfolio of revised stories at the end of the quarter.

How to Apply:

Students send an example of their short fiction (one short story or an extract from a longer work or a few pieces of flash fiction, or a combination of these, of up to 12 pages) and a paragraph that describes their recent readings of fiction and states if they have had any creative writing class experience.

The subject line of your message should be your last name followed by the course number (example: McDonald 137B) and it should be sent to AND


Accepted applicants will be notified before the first class meeting. Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions, the professor will be unable to provide feedback or suggestions on the students’ submitted work.