

Ulysses Book Club

A Collective Reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses
When: Thursday, April 21, 2022 6:00 pm

To celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the publication of Ulysses, please join the Department of English for an experiment in collective reading. Professors Louise Hornby and Colleen Jaurretche will hold a series of Thursday evening discussions of the novel, which we will read over the course of the winter and spring 2022.

Book Club Dates and Details:

The six meetings will take place on Zoom from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm and will each cover three episodes. We encourage participants to use the Gabler edition of Ulysses. No prior knowledge of the novel is required or expected!

January 20:  Episodes 1-3 (pp. 3-41 of the Gabler Edition)

February 10:  Episodes 4-6 (pp. 45-95)

March 10:  Episodes 7-9 (pp. 96-179)

April 7:  Episodes 10-12 (pp. 180-283)

April 21:  Episodes 13-15 (pp. 284-497)

May 12:  Episodes 16-18 (pp. 501-644)

Click here to Register

[Please fill out the form at the link above to register for the meetings. You can join the meetings at the Zoom link below.]

Zoom link to join meetings:

For more information about the Ulysses Book Club, contact Louise Hornby at or Marta Wallien, Programs and Media Manager at

Louise Hornby is Associate Professor in the Department of English at UCLA, where she teaches courses on modernism, photography, and film. In her first book, Still Modernism: Photography, Literature, Film (2017), she traced the emergence of photographic stillness in novels and films of the early twentieth century, paying particular attention to the ways in which still photography wrests free of modernity’s penchant for motion and acceleration. She is currently working on a book about the postural, moral, and political implications of walking and on a series of articles about the visual culture of the weather in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Colleen Jaurretche is a Continuing Lecturer in the Department of English at UCLA where she focuses on twentieth century British and Irish authors. Her first book, ‘The Sensual Philosophy’: Joyce and the Aesthetics of Mysticism (Wisconsin, 1997) investigates theological works from the six through sixteenth century in its examination of James Joyce’s writing in the context of the tradition of negative theology. Her second book, Language as Prayer in Finnegans Wake (UP Florida, James Joyce Series, 2020), brings together thinkers from antiquity, the Middle Ages, early Enlightenment, and the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to examine conditions of language as prayer. She is currently working on a creative nonfiction book about her Mexican-Indigenous family.

Thursday, April 21, 2022 6:00 pm America/Los_Angeles Ulysses Book Club A Collective Reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses UCLA English Add to Calendar