UG Programs Creative Writing Minor
The Creative Writing Minor allows students to develop the craft of poetry writing or short fiction writing, as well as to explore other and emerging areas of writing practice such as creative nonfiction, screenwriting, playwriting, hybrid genres, and electronic forms. The Minor is excellent preparation for those who seek to pursue advanced degrees in writing, as well as for those who seek to pursue careers in writing and the creative industries.
Students do NOT need to be in the Creative Writing Minor to take Creative Writing courses, and application instructions for those courses may be found HERE.
Course Requirements
2 Lower Division Courses, 10 units:
- English 4W (Critical Reading and Writing) or 4HW (Critical Reading and Writing (Honors)) or 4WX (Critical Reading and Writing (Community-Engaged Learning).
- English 10C (Literatures in English: 1850-Present), OR English 11, OR English 20 or 20W (Introduction to Creative Writing).
Five or Six Upper Division Courses, 24-25 units:
- One core genre (poetry or short fiction) course (English 136A: Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry, or 136B Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry, or 137A, Intermediate Creative Writing: Short Story, or 137B, Advanced Creative Writing: Short Story).
- One advanced core genre course (or additional advanced core genre course) in the same genre as the first core genre course (old course English 136 or English 136B; old course English 137 or English 137B).
- One additional creative writing course (136, 136 A or B, 137, 137 A or B), or English/English Composition M138 (Topics in Creative Writing).
- One or Two elective courses (depending on unit count) from English 136 A or B, 137 A or B, M138, or from an approved list of courses in English and other departments across campus. Approved courses are other creative writing courses and courses that focus on 20th and/or 21st century literature.
- One capstone course or internship course culminating in a project with a creative writing focus (English 184 (any course 184 that allows a creative project), English 195CE, English 198B or English 199).
NOTE: Students who have received credit for old course 136 or new course 136B are ineligible to receive credit for course 136A; students who have received credit for old course 137 or new course 137B are ineligible to receive credit for course 137A.
Alternative courses for any of the above categories may be considered for credit by petition.
Transfer students may petition for credit for courses completed at other prior college-level institutions.
Grade requirements:
Students enrolled in the Minor must remain in good academic standing (overall grade-point average of C or better). All courses in the Minor must be taken for a letter grade, except those electives offered exclusively with P/NP grading.
Students seeking to declare the Minor in Creative Writing must: (1) be in good academic standing (overall grade-point average of C or better); (2) have completed the lower division requirements; (3) have completed at least one course 136 or 137; and (4) provide a PDF copy of their UCLA Degree Audit Report, a brief letter of application, and a writing sample (at least 10 pages of prose or 7-10 poems).
Download your degree checksheet!
Students who will graduate by WINTER 2025 or SPRING 2025 and who have completed or are completing NOW at least TWO upper division core genre courses in the same genre (one of which must be either old course 136 or 137 OR new course 136B or 137B) are invited to apply for the Minor this quarter.
To apply, e-mail the following as PDF attachments to
- a brief letter of application, stating what you have taken so far to satisfy Minor requirements, and how/when you intend to complete the requirements.
- a writing sample (at least 10 pages of prose or 7-10 poems).
- a copy of your Degree Audit Report with the Creative Writing Minor modeled.