OpportunitiesScholarships & Prizes

UG Opportunities Scholarships & Prizes

The following is a list of departmental and University awards that may be of particular interest to English majors.

Creative Writing Scholarships & Prizes Available by Student Submission for Spring Quarter 2024

Deadline: May 10

The Fred and Edith Herman Memorial Prize from the Academy of American Poets
For the best poem or groups of poems. Open to any UCLA student, graduate or undergraduate. Cash award of $100 and inclusion of the prize winner’s name in a list of national winners published by the Academy of American Poets.

The Olfet Agrama Prize for Creative Writing 
Given in alternate years for a poem (or group of poems) or a work of fiction. This year’s award will be given for poetry. The contest is open to any UCLA undergraduate who is currently enrolled in courses in creative writing. Submission materials should include creative writing course(s) and quarter(s) taken. Cash award $400.

The May Merrill Miller Award 
Given in alternate years for a poem (or group of poems) or a work of fiction. This year’s award will be given for poetry. The contest is open to any UCLA undergraduate. Cash award $500 first prize; $300 second prize.

The Shirle Dorothy Robbins Creative Writing Award 
Given in alternate years for a poem (or group of poems) or fiction. This year’s award will be for fiction. Open to any UCLA student, graduate or undergraduate. Cash award of $1,000 first place and $600 second place.

David Wong Louie Memorial Creative Writing Prize 
For a short story or creative essay. Given annually to an undergraduate student studying creative writing in the Department of English. Submission materials should include creative writing course(s) and quarter(s) taken. $1,000 cash award.

The Ruth Brill Scholarship Award 
For a work of fiction. Open to any UCLA undergraduate student enrolled in current or previous creative writing courses. Submission must indicate course(s) and quarter(s) taken. Cash award of $1,000 first place and $600 second place.

The Christopher Zyda Creative Writing Prize 
For a work of fiction (short story, play, or screenplay for film or television). Open to any upper-division (junior or senior) English or American Literature and Culture major. Preference given to applicants indicating evidence of enrollment in current or previous creative writing courses. Cash award of $2500.

How to Apply

Deadline: May 10

Submit by e-mail to creativewriting@english.ucla.edu. Entries in the poetry contests must be separate from entries in the prose contests. The subject line of the message should be your last name, the last four digits of your UID, and either “Prose,” or “Poetry.” In the body of your message, include your name, e-mail address, class standing, UID number, major, and information about any creative writing courses you have taken in the UCLA Department of English (title, year, and quarter of enrollment).

The submission itself must be a PDF attachment titled either “Prose” or “Poetry,” with the last four digits of your UID, and should have a title page with the last four digits of your UID. Your name or any other identifying information should not appear on any page of the submission itself, which the selection committee will read blindly. After submissions have been read and ranked, a Departmental staff or faculty member who is not on the committee will determine the award(s) for which winners are eligible.

For poetry submissions: It is recommended that submissions be no shorter than 4 pages or longer than 8. Fonts should be 12-point, preferably serif face (such as Times New Roman) unless the type size and face are intrinsic to the work.

*Please note cash awards may affect financial aid eligibility. See your financial aid counselor for more information.

The Shirley Collier Prize
Awarded annually by the Department of English

Genre: A novel or biography published in 2023 or at least 100 pages of an unpublished book in either of these genres. Short stories and novellas are ineligible for this award. The work must be of outstanding quality.

Entrants: Graduate or undergraduate students majoring in the Humanities, as well as faculty in the Humanities. Extension students are ineligible. Preference will be given to students; but in all cases, the same criterion of excellence will apply, regardless of whether works are published, finished manuscripts, or only partially complete. Previous winners are ineligible. All entrants must submit a cover page with contact information. Anonymity is not required.

Award: $5,000. If no entries are considered suitable, the prize will not be given.

How to Apply

Deadline: 5 PM, May 10.  Email creativewriting@english.ucla.edu with the subject line: Collier Prize.

Departmental Scholarships & Prizes Available by Student Submission in Spring Quarter 2024


The Barbara Bellow Watson Shakespeare Essay Contest
Awarded annually for the best critical or research paper on a Shakespeare subject. Manuscripts should be submitted no later than 12 Noon Monday, May 2, 2024. For more information and to apply: https://english.ucla.edu/shakespeare-essay-contest/

Harold Dee Fox Memorial Scholarship
Established to honor and memorialize Harold Dee Fox and his intense love for English literature, the purpose of this scholarship is “to enrich the intellectual environment of the campus and community” by enabling “outstanding undergraduate students…to attain a dream of achieving a bachelor’s degree.” Open to declared majors in the Department of English with a UCLA GPA of 3.7 or higher; preference given to a transfer student from a Los Angeles Community College who is receiving financial aid. U.S. citizens who are California residents also preferred. Application materials must be submitted before 12 Noon, Friday, May 17, 2024. Two winners will be announced on Friday, June 7, and a $1500 scholarship will be awarded to each during the 2024-2025 academic year. For more information and to apply: https://english.ucla.edu/fox-scholarship/ (Applications also available from Undergraduate Counseling Office.)

Departmental and University Awards Available by Faculty Submission in Spring Quarter 2024


Peter Rotter Essay Prize
Awarded to undergraduates who have written the best paper for a regular or special studies course in the Humanities. Professors nominate students for an essay written for an undergraduate course completed in the spring, fall, or winter quarter prior to the deadline. The Departmental Essay Contest winner is traditionally nominated for this award. Deadline: spring quarter. Contact Writing Programs at (310) 206-1145.

Teague-Melville-Elliot Prize
Awarded to the undergraduate who has written the best piece of research scholarship in the Humanities. Professors nominate students for an essay written for an undergraduate course completed in the spring, fall, or winter quarter prior to the deadline. The Departmental Essay Contest winner is traditionally nominated for this award. Deadline: spring quarter. Contact Writing Programs at (310) 206-1145.

Clara Rusk Hastings Undergraduate Scholarship
For recognition of outstanding achievement in English 10A, 10B, and 10C. Nominations from English 10 series instructors and teaching assistants are taken during spring quarter of each year.

Thompson Prize
Made possible by the Dr. Warren Craig and Erile R. Thompson Scholarship/Fellowship. Announced each year at the English Department Commencement Celebration in recognition of the outstanding Departmental Honors thesis.

Departmental Scholarships and Prizes Available by Student Submission in Fall Quarter 2023 or Winter Quarter 2024


Ina Coolbrith Memorial Prize for Poetry
Awarded for the best poem or group of poems submitted by an undergraduate at UCLA. Deadline: December.

The English Department Essay Contest
An annual essay contest for the best critical essay or research paper on a literary subject. The contest is open to undergraduate English majors only. The winning essay will be submitted to the University-wide essay contests, the Teague-Melville-Elliot and the Peter Rotter awards. Deadline: winter quarter.