GraduateRecent Dissertations


Vivian Delchamps
The Names of Sickness: Writing Disability and Revising Diagnosis in Nineteenth-Century America
Advisors: Prof. Deutsch, Prof. Looby

Lauren Dembowitz
Retracing the Black Venus: Figures of Intimate Commerce in the Atlantic World
Advisor: Prof. Goyal

Lillian Lu
Naiveté and the British Novel (1770-1830)
Advisor: Prof. Deutsch

Taly Ravid
“A Symptom of History:” The Traumatic Form of the Alternate History
Advisors: Prof. DeutschProf. North

Claire Stanford
Future Asians: Orientalism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century U.S. Science Fiction
Advisor: Prof. Heise

Gabriela Valenzuela
Reading Centroamericanismo: U.S. Central American Literatures in the Long Nineteenth Century, 1870-1921
Advisor: Prof. López