GraduateRecent Dissertations


Oriah Amit
Precautionary Tales: Political Consequence in British Fiction, 1867-1903
Advisors: Prof. Bristow, Prof. Grossman

Salvador Herrera
Desert Dreams: Transborder Art at the Limits of Identity
Advisors:  Prof. R. Lee, Prof. Pérez-Torres

Jessica Lee
Across Africa’s American Atlantic: Middle Passages, Imagined Home Spaces and Black Futurities
Advisor: Prof. Goyal

Dandi Meng
Skin Pulled Back: Race and Literary Abstractions in the 21st Century
Advisors: Prof. McMillan, Prof. Nersessian

Spencer Robins
Our Planet: Collective Narrative in the Climate Change Era

Advisor: Prof. Heise, Prof. Allison Carruth

Jessica Cook Sherrill
Memory Machines: Mnemonics, Poetry, and Computing in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Advisor: Prof. Grossman

Sammy Solis
Contested Bodies: Fictions of Brownness and Latinidad
Advisor: Prof. López

Arielle Stambler
The Social Rights Imaginary of the Contemporary Postcolonial Novel
Advisors: Prof. Goyal, Prof. Rothberg

Jesslyn Whittell
The Riot and the Didactic: Instruction in British Romantic Poetry
Prof. Makdisi, Prof. Nersessian