GraduateReading List

Graduate – Current – Reading Lists


19th-Century American LiteratureSee Reading List

20th Century British & Irish LiteratureSee Reading List

African American LiteratureSee Reading List

American Women’s LiteratureSee Reading List

Asian American LiteratreSee Reading List

British Women’s LiteratureSee Reading List

*Required Reading

*Required Critical Text

Robyn Warhol, ed. Feminisms (rev. ed.)


*Kempe, Margery (c. 1373-c. 1438).  The Book of Margery Kempe. Ed. S. B. Meech and H. E. Allen.  Early English Text Society (autobiography)

*Norwich, Julian of.  Revelations of Divine Love

Renaissance and Restoration

*Behn, Aphra.  Oroonoko: or, The Royal Slave; The Rover (drama)

*Cary, Elizabeth.  The Tragedie of Mariam, Faire Queene of Jewry

*Finch, Anne, Countess of Winchilsea.  Poems in Rogers anthology

*Lanyer, Aemelia.  Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum

*Wroth, Lady Mary.  The Countess of Montgomerie’s Urania and sonnets

Eighteenth-Century Women Writers

*Burney, Frances.  Evelina or The Wanderer

*Lennox, Charlotte.  The Female Quixote

*Manley, Delarivier.  The New Atalantis

*Radcliffe, Ann.  The Italian

*Scott, Sarah.  Millenium Hall or Sir George Ellison

*Wheatley, Phillis.  Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (1773)

*Wollstonecraft, Mary.  The Wrongs of Woman, or Maria and selections from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman


*Austen, Jane.  Pride and Prejudice or Emma or Mansfield Park

*Baillie, Joanna.  Count Basil or De Montfort

*Barrett Browning, Elizabeth.  Aurora Leigh and “The Cry of the Children,” “To George Sand: A Desire,” “To George Sand: A Recognition,” “The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point,” “Sonnets from the Portuguese,” “Mother and Poet”

*Brontë, Charlotte.  Jane Eyre or Villette

*Brontë, Emily.  Wuthering Heights

*Edgeworth, Maria.  Belinda or The Absentee

*Eliot, George.  Middlemarch

*Gaskell, Elizabeth.  North and South

*Hemans, Felicia.  Siege of Valencia and “Properzia Rossi”; “Casabianca,” “The Homes of England,” “Graves of a Household,” “Evening Prayer, at a Girls’ School,” “Woman and Fame”

*Prince, Mary.  The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave

*Rosetti, Christina.  “Goblin Market,” “The Prince’s Progress,” “Song [When I am dead, my dearest],” “In an Artist’s Studio,” “Up-Hill,” “The Convent Threshold,” “Remember,” “Winter Rain,” “My Dream,” “Winter: My Secret,” “A Better Resurrection,” “The Lowest Room,” “A Birthday”

*Shelley, Mary.  Frankenstein (1818 edition)


*Brittain, Vera.  Testament of Youth

*Carter, Angela.  Nights at the Circus and “The Bloody Chamber”

*Emecheta, Buchi.  Second Class Citizen

*Hall, Radclyffe.  Well of Loneliness

*Lessing, Doris.  The Golden Notebook

*Rhys, Jean.  Wide Sargasso Sea

*Winterson, Jeanette.  Passion

*Woolf, Virginia.  Mrs. Dalloway or To the Lighthouse; A Room of One’s Own

Recommended Theory and CriticismAbraham, Julie.  “History as Explanation: Writing About Lesbian Writing, or ‘Are Girls Necessary?’” in Left Politics and the Literary Profession.  Eds. Lennard J. Davis and M. Bella Mirabella (New York: Columbia UP, 1990): 254-83.

Barrett, Michele.  Women’s Oppression Today, Ch. 1

Ballaster, Ros.  Seductive Fictions: Women’s Amatory Fiction 1684-1740

Barratt, Alexandra.  “Introduction,” Women’s Writing in Middle English

de Beauvoir, Simone.  The Second Sex (selections)

Bennett, Paula.  “Critical Clitoridectomy,”  Signs (1992)

Butler, Judith.  “Subversive Bodily Acts” in Gender Trouble; “Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of ‘Postmodernism’” in Feminists Theorize the Political, ed. Judith Butler and Joan W. Scott

Castle, Terry.  The Apparitional Lesbian

Chodorow, Nancy.  The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender, Ch. 5

Christian, Barbara.  “The Race for Theory”

Ebert, Teresa.  Ludic Feminism and After, Chs. 1 and 2

Felski, Rita.  Beyond Feminist Aesthetics (selections)

Ferguson, Margaret, ed.  Rewriting the Renaissance: The Discourses of Sexual Difference in Early Modern Europe (with Maureen Quillian and Nancy Vickers, eds.)

Fraser, Nancy.  “What’s Critical about Critical Theory?  The Case of Habermas and Gender” in Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse, and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory

Gallagher, Catherine.  Nobody’s Story: The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace 1670-1820

Gilbert, Sandra, ed. The Madwoman in the Attic (with Susan Gubar, ed.)

Gilligan, Carol.  “In a Different Voice: Women’s Conceptions of Self and Morality,” in The Future of Difference Eisenstein and Jardine, eds.

Hall, Catherine, ed.  Family Fortunes (with Leonore Davidoff, ed.)

Haraway, Donna.  “A Manifesto for Cyborgs”

Hobby, Elaine.  Virtue of Necessity: English Women’s Writing 1649-88

Irigaray, Luce.  The Sex Which Is Not One

Julia Kristeva.  Desire in Language, ch. 5 [the concept of the semiotic]

de Lauretis, Lauretis, ed. Technologies of Gender, Ch. 1

Lewalksi, Barbara Kiefer.  Writing Women in Jacobean England

Minh-ha, Trinh.  Woman, Native, Other: Writing, Postcoloniality, and Feminism

Mirza, Heidi Safia, ed.  Black British Feminism, Introduction

Mellor, Anne, ed.  Romanticism and Gender

Mohanty, Chandra.  “Under Western Eyes”

Moi, Toril.  Sexual/Textual Politics

Spivak, Gayatri.  “Three Women’s Texts”; “Can the Subaltern Speak” in Wedge 7 (1985)

Weedon, Chris.  Feminism and Postructuralist Theory

Wittig, Monique.  “One Is Not Born a Woman,”  “The Straight Mind”

April, 1998

19th-Century American Literature – Lew (Winter 2016)

Celtic LiteratureSee Reading List

Primary Texts


Myles Dillon, ed.  Serglige Con Culainn (Dublin, 1953)

———-, ed.  Stories from the Acallam (Dublin 1970)

Elizabeth Gray, ed. and trans.  Cath Maige Tuired (Naas, 1983)

Kenneth Jackson, ed. and trans.  Aislinge Meic Conglinne (Dublin 1990)

Gerard Murphy, ed. and trans.  Early Irish Lyrics (Oxford 1956)

Nessa Ní Shéaghdha, ed. and trans.  Tóraigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne (Dublin, 1967)

Cecile O’Rahilly, ed. and trans.  Táin Bó Cúalnge from the Book of Leinster (Dublin, 1967)

———-, ed. and trans.  Táin Bó Cúailnge:  Recension I (Dublin, 1976)

Rudolf Thurneysen, ed. and trans.   Scéla Muicce Meic Dathó (Dublin, 1935)


Rachel Bromwich, ed. and trans.  Dafydd ap Gwilym:  A Selection of Poems (Llandysul, 1982)

———-, ed. and trans.  Trioedd Ynys Prydain (Cardiff, 1961)

A. O. H. Jarman, ed.  The Gododdin (Llandysul, 1988)

Thomas Parry, ed.  Oxford Book of Welsh Verse (Oxford, 1962)

Derick Thomson, ed.  Branwen uerch Lyr (Dublin, 1961)

R. L. Thomson, ed.  Owein (Dublin, 1968)

———-, ed.  Pwyll Pendeuic Dyfet (Dublin, 1957)

Ifor Williams and J. E. C. Williams, eds.  Poems of Taliesin (Dublin, 1968)

Secondary Texts



James Carney.  Studies in Irish Literature and History (Dublin, 1955)

Robin Flower.  The Irish Tradition (Oxford, 1947)

Kathleen Hughes.  Early Christian Ireland (Cornell, 1972)

J. F. Kenney.  The Sources for the Early History of Ireland I:  Ecclesiastical (New York, 1927)

Kim McCone.  Pagan Past and Christian Present (Maynooth, 1990)


Rachel Bromwich.  Aspects of the Poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym (Cardiff, 1986)

A. O. H. Jarman and others, A Guide to Welsh Literature, I (Swansea, 1976)

Brynley Roberts, ed.  Early Welsh Poetry:  Studies in the Book of Aneirin (Aberystwyth, 1988)

Ifor Williams.  The Beginnings of Welsh Poetry (Cardiff, 1972)

J. E. C. Williams.  The Poets of the Welsh Princes (Cardiff, 1978)


January, 1992

19th-Century American Literature – Lew (Winter 2016)

Chicana/o LiteratureSee Reading List

Comparative Ethnic American LiteratureSee Reading List

DramaSee Reading List

Early 17th-Century British LiteratureSee Reading List

Early American LiteratureSee Reading List

Early 20th-Century American LiteratureSee Reading List

Electronic LiteratureSee Reading List

Folklore & MythologySee Reading List

History of the English LanguageSee Reading List

Jewish American LiteratureSee Reading List

Later 20th/21st Century American LiteratureSee Reading List

Lesbian, Bisexual & Gay LiteratureSee Reading List

Literary TheorySee Reading List

Literature & ScienceSee Reading List

Middle English LiteratureSee Reading List

Native American LiteratureSee Reading List

The NovelSee Reading List

Old English LiteratureSee Reading List

Other Genres and CategoriesSee Reading List

PoetrySee Reading List

Postcolonial StudiesSee Reading List

Renaissance LiteratureSee Reading List

Restoration and 18th-Century LiteratureSee Reading List

RhetoricSee Reading List

Romantic LiteratureSee Reading List

Victorian LiteratureSee Reading List

Visual CultureSee Reading List